Pinot Noir at Its Peak: Exploring the Highest Natural Wine in North America

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When we talk about exceptional Pinot Noir, it's often the delicacy of the grape and meticulous winemaking processes that come to mind. However, there's another factor that can elevate a wine to greatness – quite literally – altitude. In North America, high-elevation vineyards are producing some of the finest natural wines, and among them, our Pinot Noir stands out, not just for its flavor but for the remarkable heights at which its grapes are grown.

How Altitude Shapes the Wine

So, what makes high-elevation vineyards so special? Several key factors contribute to the distinct characteristics of wines grown in such locations:

1. Increased Solar Radiation: Higher elevations mean greater exposure to solar rays, which helps in the development of thicker grape skins. This results in more intense flavors and aromas, as well as higher levels of antioxidants, making the wine not only tastier but potentially healthier.
2. Temperature Fluctuations: The greater temperature fluctuations between day and night at higher altitudes play a critical role in grape development. Cooler nights help maintain the grapes' acidity, while warmer days ensure optimal ripening. This balance is crucial for producing wines with complexity and depth.
3. Scarcity of Water: We Dry-Farm our Pinot Noir vineyard, meaning that we do not irrigate it. This forces the vines to grow deep roots in search of water. This struggle results in grapes that are rich in minerals and nutrients, adding to the wine's complexity.

The Unique Terroir of Colorado's Highest Vineyards

The highest vineyards in North America are not just about elevation; there is so much more that makes this terroir unique.

Mineral-rich soils, pristine air and fresh mountain water combine to create a growing environment that is unparalleled. Wines from the West Elks AVA, like our Pinot Noir, carry the essence of their surroundings, offering a taste that is both pure and reflective of the highlands.

The Essence of High-Elevation Pinot Noir

When you pour a glass of our high-elevation Pinot Noir, you're not just enjoying a drink; you're experiencing a piece of nature.

Each bottle is a testament to the dedication and expertise of Peony Lane – harnessing the challenges and advantages of high-altitude vineyards to create a wine that is truly at its peak.


Exploring the heights of Pinot Noir opens up a new dimension of wine appreciation. The interplay of altitude, climate, and soil in North America's highest vineyards results in a Pinot Noir that is both distinct and delightful. So, next time you raise a glass, savor the story that each sip tells – a story of elevation, struggle, and triumph.

Enjoy our Pinot Noir, crafted with care at the highest natural vineyard in North America, and taste the difference that altitude makes.

To shop the latest Pinot Noir drop, click the link below!


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